Do you believe that the first impression lasts? Well, when we talk about a person’s behavior, the answer is no. You cannot tell how the person behaves or what kind of person he is based on your first encounter. As human beings, we all face different challenges in life and we cannot expect how a person should be. However, when we discuss a workplace’s cleanliness, the first impression always lasts. Why? It is simply because this reflects what kind of management and employees they have.

This is how important cleaning is when it comes to offices and other working areas. The Property Manager and Facilities Manager is the overall in charge of your area and it is their duty to ensure that all areas are maintained, cleaned, checked, and safe for everyone. In case accidents happen, they will be held liable for their employees and should include discussing safety hazards in a timely manner to avoid such incidents. Office cleanliness is always next to employees’ safety and health. In this case, all employees should be aware and educated on how to properly maintain the cleanliness of the office. Everyone is responsible to maintain the comfortability of their own spaces.

Now that everyone is taking their part in adapting to the new normal, customers of different businesses are excited to go out and visit the areas they may have missed. Customers will definitely check how welcoming your area will be and how safe it is to visit. The pandemic has created a lot of trauma for other people which made them decide not to go out too often most especially to places where a lot of people stay. This is all because they highly value their health and safety than leisure. If your business made sure that everything is in place before they open such as having everything deep cleaned, sanitized, and well maintained, you will gain your customer’s trust. This is where the first impression starts. Before opening your area, see to it that there is nothing that your customer can say against your place. Customers will think that your business is successful, you have responsible management, your employees are paying attention to details, and how your business has everything under control.

Remember that your employees play a vital role in your business and should be given attention. They are one of the main reasons why your business is operating and a success. Being their comfort place, employees also need to feel that the place they work in is their safe haven. Not only customers should feel that they are valued to trust the products and services you offer, but as well as your employees. When we talk about the first impressions, they should be the first ones to see how clean and comforting your place is. They will serve as the reflection of how efficient and effective your business is; they matter the most.

What is included in Office Cleaning Services?

The following are a few of the office cleaning tasks from a professional cleaning company:

Vacuum carpets and mats
Empty trash bins and replace trash bags
Mopping of floors
Deep cleaning of office equipment and devices such as computers, telephones, copying machines, microwaves, etc.
Dusting and wiping of tables and chairs
Cleaning windows and glass doors
Cleaning public areas such as lounge, reception areas, and toilet rooms

Keep in mind how a clean place can help your employees be more productive and have happy customers. Office cleaning is vital for your employees’ and customers’ health and safety. These are just some of the basic office cleaning services we offer. However, if you want customized cleaning services that fit your needs, contact us at +1.650.938.0889. We’ll schedule an appointment with our director to have a walkthrough of your area, and send you a free quotation, no obligation.

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