The most wonderful time of the year is approaching. This means a lot of celebration in the office and time to gather and express our gratitude to each and everyone. It’s also the time to schedule your workplace for a general cleaning. Not only because it will be the place for celebration, but also preparation for a long holiday break. It has also been part of everyone’s tradition to make sure that a place is clean before it will be left and for a brand new start the following year. 

Here are some of the general cleaning tips we would like to share for the coming holiday season:

Have the right planning: The property or business owner should coordinate to each department. Head of the departments should advise what are the needs and every workstation cleaning or maintenance concern. This way, problems are easily resolved. Schedule a meeting with everyone and let them share what are the concerns they have encountered in maintaining the cleanliness of their workplace.

Get everyone’s involvement: Since it’s the season of giving, let everyone participate by giving their share on cleaning tasks. Practice the art of delegation. Make sure that each employee in your department has the fair share and responsibility on this project. This can also promote building good relationships and bonding that is not usually done in the office. 

Attention to unnoticed areas: We often neglect areas we don’t normally see or use in the office. Cleaning doesn’t just mean removing the dirt, but also maintaining its appearance. These areas include: ceilings, walls, pipes in the toilet areas and kitchen areas, storage rooms, etc.

Hire professional cleaners: In order to make sure that your office is being regularly cleaned, it is highly recommended to hire professional cleaners who are well-trained about the proper things to do. We all know that a one time general cleaning is not enough to keep your office clean until the holidays are over. There should be someone assigned to perform those tasks in a timely manner. 

Few more days until we celebrate the much awaited days this holiday season. As we welcome our second family in our workplace, let us take action to make sure that we provide them with a cleaner, safer and healthier environment. Take note of these things and keep your workplace holiday-ready.

For more inquiries on how to customize and schedule your regular and holidays cleaning, call us at 650-938-0889. Book your appointment now and experience a one of a kind cleaning experience. 

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